Monday, March 28, 2016

New Mom

I've created this blog to remain anonymous while I ponder the family relationships that I have. It's not that I want to dwell on the negative because that would be deciding to live in hell on earth, but I hope to find a way to work through issues (albeit fairly minor) and to "release" tension surrounding them. A lot of self-reflection will occur as I try to reduce having bad reactions to the things people say and do. I am very influenced in this endeavor by the book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.

I can tell you, nothing prepares you for dealing with relationships quite like when you become a mother. Luckily, my husband is fantastic and supports me in every way--so I don't expect that to be an issue--although I may talk about our relationship's mutual discoveries. He took good care of me tonight and today as a flu sufferer. Thank you, my darling.

The title Gender Envelope is one I penned talking with my husband one day when we were discussing women and motorcycles. It seems to me that a woman riding a motorcycle is pushing her gender envelope (hooray!).

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